Strange behavior after series?


Hi, that sounds a bit strange now, it's about the following; My girlfriend is going through a very difficult time right now. She was abused to seek her parents also divorce.

She is in therapy and I felt that she was feeling a little better.

Four days ago, she wanted to watch a series on Netflix with me, which we did. Today we watched the last episode. Since then she behaves really funny.

Her behavior was different after the first 3-4 episodes. I do not know if I'm crazy, but I can't shake the feeling that she's immersed in this world. Is that possible?


Which Netflix series is it about? If it is "dead girls do not lie" then that is understandable. But it is not in vain in any case warned that this series can be stressful


It was shadowhunter. She also knows the books and the movie. Her behavior just feels weird. As if she were in this world


She is in therapy. At least I do not have to know that. You just have to stand by her side - please leave the rest to trained staff. If that's an important issue with the show - for whatever reason - she'll address that. Otherwise - is nothing.


I mean, if she's already struggling with bad problems anyway, such a negative series is not the best choice.

How has your behavior changed since the series?