Why is my website constantly reloading?


Hi, I've had a problem for a couple of weeks. I always watch Netflix, Disney + or Prime websites on my iPad. Unfortunately, I can't download the respective services as an app because the iPad belongs to the school haha. Recently, the page reloads while watching and it hangs. The whole thing happens every minute and is really annoying. It's also on YouTube, but not on other sites like Wikipedia, etc. And therefore only occurs in videos. Does anyone have an idea? My iPad is up to date with updates and I've tried browsers other than Safari. My father also said that it is probably not the Wi-Fi…

I'm grateful for any suggestion.


If it's not the Wi-Fi, the service itself is to blame. Probably server problems from NF and Disney +


But then I wouldn't be an isolated case. As I said, it doesn't work with YouTube either, i.e. With online video delivery in general


Do other websites work and do they load "normally"? Sometimes it also helps to restart the router.


Yes otherwise everything works. I'll try a restart.