Where can I watch the 9th season American Horror Story (1984) in German?


I would like to watch AHS Season 9 in German, but I don't know where. So far the season is only available in English on Amazon Prime and it will probably take a while for Netflix…

I would even register with Sky, but I don't know how it works there, does the series only come at certain times, or is it like the streaming services and I can access the episodes at any time?

I would be grateful for any help!


It is no longer with Sky.


You could also (illegally!) Stream the series on xcine on the Internet. But of course there's always a little risk involved. LG.


Doesn't Fox belong to Sky? I think she should run there🤔

If not, where else can you see them?


"Doesn't Fox belong to Sky?" - May be, but not everything is going unlimited.


Mmh, mostly the quality of the illegal streams is not so special…


I've already watched the season and the quality is actually really good