Good ideas for my bullet journal?


I've set up a bullet journal and I've also come up with a few ideas for what I would like to do:

• Calendar

• Record all books that I have read and that I still want to read

• A "Netflix" page, where I rate series that I've watched

• Mood tracker, of course

• To-do's

• My dreams

• Lists such as how much did I sleep, what did I eat / drink.

• other typical bullet journal ideas

Can you think of anything else that could be a good entry?

MgG and thanks in advance


What is a biullet jornal 🤔.

It's best to talk about current issues.

Or over herbs on the last page you can always show a wild herb with tips for use and what health properties it has.

And jokes and quotes that make life easier

It is not the lucky ones who are thankful, but the grateful ones who are the lucky ones


A bullet journal is a combination of a notebook, calendar, diary ect.

Yes, quotes are good ^^


I see, haha. And that with the herbs net,? You can dry herbs and press them in and then write for what they are, for example a women's coat.


Ah now I understand the herbs ^^

Yes, sounds great, thanks


-maybe you could do something that suits one of your hobbies or something… I play the piano for example and then I always wrote down which pieces I played for a while. If you're playing a sport or something now, you could always write down your team's results.

-You could also put in the most beautiful photo you made in the month (with friends, family or just a landscape) at the end of the month.

-how much did you ride a bike a week?

- If you are committed to the climate, you can also design a page where you write down which strikes you went to and what you did in this regard

-a page for your pet if you have one

-a site for newly discovered music

-where you would like to go in your life, i.e. Travel destinations

- School grades if you don't go to school and are interested in it

- stretch plan if you like to stretch

-How much time you spent on your cell phone every day if you wanted to reduce your screen time

-new recipes

Hopefully there was something for you.


You can find many ideas on YouTube and there's also a good German-speaking forum: