Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 or S7+?


I'm currently looking for a new tablet. At the moment I have an iPad Air 2 where the battery is slowly but surely giving up the ghost. Now I'm considering whether to buy a Tab S7 or S7+. I have a PC and a notebook which is why the tablet is only available for YouTube, Netflix and co. Is used, now and then, maybe for drawing. A larger AMOLED display would of course be nice, but the higher price scares me off because I won't really do much with the tablet. Perhaps someone already has experience with the tablets and can tell me whether the extra charge for the Tab S7+ is worthwhile?


Incidentally, you can also have the battery of the iPad replaced, it costs around 80 euro, if you are lucky with an action 40 euro.

Also: why switch to an Android tablet? IPadOS is much further in terms of functionality. It's best to take a look at comparisons between the two systems before you switch.


To simply watch YouTube, all you need to do is change the battery of the iPad Air 2. If you want to watch Oled for YouTube Buy an Oled TV or a Samsung Tab S5e because you don't need an expensive tablet for watching YouTube, if you want to buy another iPad