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I got a Netflix account from a friend and she got it from her cousin and she got it from a friend she told me she did not change the password but I want to have it back and her cousin did not change it either Do not you dare to ask the girl from whom he has the account so I would like to ask how do I get my Netflix password out when I'm logged in.


You will not get that out.


You can't get it out. Even Netflix will not know it (they certainly only have one hash value). Therefore, you forgot to forgot a new password and do not get the old one sent.


Not at all, because the way you describe it is not your Netflixaccount at all. But from a girlfriend of the cousin of your girlfriend. Does the owner know that you are simply using your account? Then ask her.

And only the account owner can reset / change it. Or. Anyone who has access to the e-mail address associated with the account.


Who knows that I use this and other 3 or 4 people because the paid for that has given the 2 3 friends