My question is this: if I want to share my Netflix account, do I have to pass my password on to others? I have the premium package you dream Boxing currently Netflix account. But I do not like it when everyone knows my password. Can those who have the password, z.b. Go to my account and see my bank details or change my password and e-mail address as well as see from booking periods et cetera? There must be a possibility that these three others can use netflix but can't snoop around in my bank data et cetera?
Check out the conditions at Netflix, it says inside, how it works with sharing.
So anyone who has my password can also see my bank details?
Yes, you can also simply go to the app under: More> Account> Page will be opened> then all the information about your account will appear. They can change the bank details as well as your password. So be very careful who your password is.