Persuade parents to Netflix?


I have a question and although you can write advantages and disadvantages of Netflix? I would be very grateful because I would like to have it but I still have to persuade my parents 🙃


You could tell your parents that you could also watch the movies / series in English or any other language you have at school and thus learn the language better by listening to it.


It has no advantages except that you can just watch shows.

I do not see that as an advantage I have to say quite honestly, especially since the quality of the series steadily decreases and more well-known productions, if I remember correctly, also withdraw from Netflix again.

In short: It was a great thing… Today I would rather advise you to watch less television. Most series are already second-rate anyway… And Netflix costs just money that should probably pay your parents. I can understand that they do not want that


Cool films and series
Educational docus
Not really expensive (for example, if you take the cheapest subscription)
Can have a say in school when it comes to new hip movies and series

If your parents do not allow you: Ask your friends if they share their subscription with you. Then you even pay less than if you buy it for yourself.


Since you have probably escaped some good series. 3% or Ahs is really good.


Since someone is probably not familiar with Netflix (;


I recently had to watch 3% in English because this series did not exist in German.

I never thought that I could learn so much new vocabulary through a series.


As someone probably has a different taste… That someone may have


Does not have to be. Honestly not. I watched Game of Thrones, and even the show really disappointed me, so I do not have to look at the rest of the garbage, where the plot is already there anyway.

Oh wow, a dystopian world… Is exciting…

Good and bad are relative… To say that more well-known productions of Netflix withdraw another level


Qualitatively there are worlds between


A little tip: The argument 'everyone else has that too' or 'I can have a say in school' usually does not get along well with parents and actually only shows that the child is not able to come up with their own arguments and to substantiate this meaningfully.

This has nothing to do with Netflix… The reasoning in most cases generally does not work


Just because you found a series bad you can't put everyone in the same drawer. Look at House of Money. Was also skeptical about the series but after a series you can't stop


Oh yes the show is awesome


Game of Thrones has nothing to do with Netflix.

Nevertheless, I found the first seasons of it very interesting.

Do not be so closed. First try other series and movies, before you fall into your judgment (;


I go to school myself and know the feeling when the friends talk about a series, laugh and have fun and you can't have a say yourself. That is not really nice.

I even consider this argument to be one of the strongest, because you can engage in conversations, even if you have no real talent for small talk.


Disadvantage, costs additional money!

Maybe you can look for a job and tell your parents to pay Netflix. That would be a very convincing argument.

However, then certainly would have less time to watch Netflix… So should be well considered, for which one spends his sour earned money.

All the best ;-)


Game of thrones was just the last series I saw. I know that it has nothing to do with netflix.

And apart from that… What do you know if I had not even subscribed to this garbage, was bloody disappointed by offer because just always the same garbage and therefore I decided to terminate the contract again, which may have even horrible designed because certain Employees do not know how to spell BGB times


I know, I did not like it


Yes… But tends to be mostly in favor of television or other providers as it seems.

I do not know a single series that would really be available alone on netflix that you would see in my eyes…


Okay, let's go through your ideas…

Cool movies and series… Bring the Free TV too. And in my eyes is not a noteworthy argument… That's just a saying out of desperation and has little argumentative value… More relevant would be 'WHAT' cool films and series. And what makes you so cool.

It does not have much power, but it still has a bit of trouble.

Educational docus… Granted, that can be. In order to be able to bring this argument, the child would have to look at the moment already documentation, otherwise it appears too forced and asked (and the parents ask the question, to what extent the documentaries on Netflix differ from those in the FreeTV).

I'm not sure what the interrogator intends to do here, but very few adolescents are looking so excessively documentary that it would be worth ordering pay-TV.

Not really expensive, if you take the cheapest subscription… Well, you spend money… The problem is that the cheapest subscription but extends to my knowledge, only one device, right? And then what will become of the parents? They should sign for some garbage and pay the best and then have none of it?

Your argument that one could have a say in this way is firstly wrong and secondly it will never convince anyone… The precedent that would be created if you allow the child to do so is much more serious here. Then it would ALWAYS mean 'But the others also have' and that's what you want to avoid as a parent is consequently consistent.

In addition, I find it hard to believe that television or Netflix is everything. That may even be (how deep has the youth sunk these days), but as a parent, I would think of it as a rather stupid argument, on the grounds of 'I want' followed by some extreme that justifies more than justice. And if the parents believe that, they would rather sit down with the child and explain that so much television is not good or that all fixation on television is bad etc. Etc. Then there's certainly no Netflix.
Personally, for years, I have not looked more than one or two series (which I've bought) and can gloriously say that I've been able to get along with people, even though I'm unfamiliar with a single series (and I'm seven at Game of Thrones Staggered around for a long time)

One would have to act against the fears of the parents. What are these fears: The child gets to see something, what it should not see… Is that, you can't handle unless you only look with the parents.
The child hangs around in the flat all the time and just watches TV… You look for a hobby or a job… Costs money too.
The child spends the whole night in front of the TV with his great, new series udn falls off at school, neglects friends and family etc. Etc. Etc. That's usually the biggest problem factor… And please do not tell me that Netflix somehow helps at school, because that's not the case.

Yes, I know, foreign-language series, but when you look at the stuff in English and that is usually more American English, as British Oxford English, as learned in the school is so little for the school… In addition, you learn first Line colloquial… And if I take Game of Thrones as an example, then personally I would not be so sure if my child should learn appropriate expressions, whether in English or German is no matter.

Also, I watch shows in English (mostly because the original actors are better than the Synchro), but most people would tend to watch a series that they just want to watch more in German than in English… And that's what the parents, too, know to pay for the fun. The possibility of learning, but everyone knows that nobody uses them. You yourself write above that you would have to 'see' an episode 'forcibly' in English. If you had an alternative, you would probably have seen in German.

And most of the series that are up-to-date in the mass will probably be in German, otherwise they would probably not be so up-to-date (because, as I said, Netflix has really big productions, decreased significantly…)