Parents convince to watch series from 16?


So I'm 12

And about a year ago everyone except my class was watching series from 16

Even the youngest was allowed to do that. I wasn't allowed to. Whenever I'm on Netflix or Amazon Prime, I only find 💩. On Sundays, everyone over 16 is all I want to watch is from 16 onwards everyone why i just watch soccer.


When you grow up, you will grin inwardly with joy when a child says or writes "everyone in my class is allowed… Only me not".

Because the truth is: It may seem like that to you, but it's not true.

The only thing you can do is wait until you are older. Even if you think it's unfair right now and probably can't understand it: your parents are doing just the right thing. When you are old enough, you will understand and be grateful to them.


Sure, the argument is a classic: everyone, just not me!

My parents' answer was always: "Oh, and if everyone jumps in the lip, do you jump after them?"

There are age restrictions on films not only for scenes of violence, but also for complex acts. That is exactly what makes them interesting again. Without getting used to it, you will only understand half of it or you will not be able to process it.

Offer them to watch the films together, then they can judge for themselves whether you are mature enough for it.

By the way, it means looking not looking.


The series are not without reason from 16.
And when your parents teach you something like that, it's not even unusual.

Please ask your parents to watch an episode with you and then decide whether you can keep watching or not.
What can you offer to justify such a privilege?


Series from 12 are the same, they are even worse, the speeches are all about the male sexual organ or about sex in films from 12


The Americans tend to have a problem with this topic. This is not a taboo in Europe.


Usk 12: violence, sexual content, drug abuse

Usk 16: Violence, sexual content, drug consumption

Where is the difference nowhere so what that


Look: I know that can be annoying when you can't do things that others are allowed to do. But these series are not without reason from 16. And in 4 years you will probably look back and think: "Wow, I was so jealous of the children whose parents allowed them everything." And maybe these kids will say, "I wish my parents raised me like him." I think your parents are doing the right thing.

Besides, I don't think EVERYONE in your class is looking, I think you just pick some and think everyone is allowed to.

PS: There are also good series on 12-13.


Wow even in children's songs show the bottom or in social media and I have played a couple of games from 18 and I got a bad no


If your classmates at the age of 11 watch series that are approved for ages 16 and over, it is neglect from their parents. If your parents are paying attention and taking care of you, you are far better off.

After all, your parents let you post here in this forum. You asked her permission, didn't you?


No why should I ask


Because this is required in the terms and conditions:

§2 use, registration

Only users who have full legal capacity or who act with the consent of their legal representatives are authorized to use the site.


I do not care


With this attitude, you are not mature enough to watch series that are 16 and over.


You're mega awesome… It's a miracle that you can't fly the way you took off.


Are you a boy who a girl?
