Dog sitting - just a hangover?


I (w, 20) need your help again. I have a pretty good friend (more than twice her age, she earns it very well), who bought a puppy a while ago. Well, she must not take him to work, because I have semester break, I guard him often now. That looks like this: I come to her apartment, go out with the dog most of the time, because he is always so one and a half alone (if that is appropriate, please do not broach), then I'm just in the apartment, play with him, caress him, let him sleep and watch Netflix, so do not do much anymore. I do this for 2-4 days / week between 2-5hrs / day.

I do not dare to talk to my girlfriend about whether I could be paid for it. Do you think I'm entitled to it? I also like the dog, you could also treat it as a favor. What do you think?


To that extent you could ask for something.

In time, you could also work in the café and earn money.


Have you ever mentioned this? You could otherwise earn something extra, you're doing her a big favor.

What is the time? The dog stays alone…

bought a dog without brains and brains

have you ever counted your hours for the dog sitting?


It's a friendship service, you do not ask for anything, you get something for it.

Your friend will be grateful to you sooner or later, if she does not do it will tell you how well you can call her a friend.

Demanding money from a good friend is greedy and has nothing to do with friendship.


How am I supposed to address her? Somehow I do not dare to be so completely. Hours of dog-sitting are about 15-20hrs a week.


And here start the problems! That would be a moonlight and should have reported to the mini-job center.

wait and see if and how she shows herself


If you would be paid for it and it happens something go by the walk, then pay the private liability nothing, then you would need a Hundesitterhadtpflicht!

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