Does he like me, what does that mean?


I met a boy a few days ago, he was with me one night and I with him. Already on the first night I think we got along very well and hugged each other and sat there for a long time.

Then on the second night he picked me up and drove me to an open restaurant at 4 o'clock because I was hungry, he even paid. After that we were still on the Rhine and because I was cold I got his jacket.

When we were with him we watched Netflix and cuddled. I love his closeness. He even kissed me goodbye.

But what does all this mean? Does he only like me?


You can never say what's going on in his head, he just wants to get you in the box or he wants something serious, you can NEVER say something like that just because you give someone love and attention does not mean that he is really something for you Feels that maybe not everything is played to get women or you in the box.

He seems to like you very much but what I read here.

There are always holes but you never know something like that, he is serious or he just wants one thing.

But I can tell you something that sounds like my last relationship, I was quite careful if she wanted only one thing or something serious, just because it's a woman does not mean that only men only want one thing, there's also women who only want sex, not just us men.

Anyway, I took it slow to see how much patience she has and if she eventually gives the patience and quit, but that was not the case, she respected that I needed time, and at some point I have her on sex addressed that I want it now and is ready for it… With her… And she wanted it too.

But now we come to you.

So… What I'm letting out of here sounds that this man likes you very much and wants to show you that he is not an aloch, he starts it slowly and makes you no duck and so on. Despite everything, do not let anyone take advantage or fool you, If you realize that he is so slowly to the sex of you want to run then block him for the first time and see how he reacts, if he seems quite loose then next time you take the first step, let him wriggle a bit and do not jump fast with him in the box. Although I'm a man, but I have gained experience with women and most of the experience was, the woman does not let you run so fast.

Get to know him well, spend a lot of time with him and see how it develops. It is your decision when you are ready for the next step but did not rush.

If you need what tips, advice ect. Then you are welcome to write to me


Well he at least does more than make a friendship. That's why you've got the good prerequisites to address him.