Looking for the name of a horror series?


Hi. A few years ago I watched a horror series on Netflix or Amazon Prime, which contained several independent short stories. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the series, but I would like to find it again. Therefore a few facts about the series:

As I said, the series consists of a series of horror anthologies. One of them is about a woman whose husband kills himself shortly before her child's birthday party. However, instead of calling the police and canceling the party, she hides her husband during the birthday party. This short story was pretty grotesque and silly. A second short story was about a family in which a child somehow looks into a package or something, and then the whole family slowly stops eating. At the end of the episode, you learn that the family has fed exclusively on the mother. Unfortunately, I don't remember the other stories from the series.
Does anyone happen to know which series I mean?


American horror story?


No such stories at ahs


Do you mean XX? This is a horror film from 2017, which can be found on Netflix, which tells four independent stories. One is about a box, the other about a birthday party, one about a wilderness outing, and the last about a hidden son.

