Netflix voucher without an account?


Would like to give my mother (she has no Internet / technology talent) a Netflix voucher card. Since she will only use the service irregularly: she can then simply log in, redeem the voucher and watch until the money is used up, e.g. B. At 30 euro 2 months or does she need a fixed subscription?


Why do you want to give your mother a netflix voucher even though she doesn't know much about technology?


To redeem the voucher, you have to create an account and select a subscription.

As long as the voucher lasts, she can look at anything she wants for a fixed monthly price. But if she only watches one episode of a series, for example, it costs no less than if she watched one season of a series every day.


You mean it is calculated monthly: it doesn't matter whether she's watching an episode or a season, right?
E.g. : 30 euro Voucher for a family subscription with 18 euro: 1st month 0 euro, 2nd month 6 euro and then again 18 euro, right?


Hopefully, when I set it up for her, she will be able to handle the menu navigation and use it when necessary


The subscription always costs the same per month, no matter how much you watch.