Netflix's shaft interpretations?


How would you interpret the end or the plot in general?


👍👍👍 I found the end pointless… I didn't understand the end. And you?


Compare it to capitalism and communism.

In capitalism (see Trimagasi behavior and statements on level 48) everyone is the next one for themselves. What does it matter who is among you? The main thing is that I'm fine.

In communism (see the Trimagasi question to Goreng) it is essentially the division of property. Since there's enough food for everyone, everyone should take so much that they get "full".

I see the end as follows: In this form it always or mostly affects the weakest and innocent. The children. Since nobody knew about the presence of the child in the shaft (apart from Miharu), the child is the message to the administration. It remains uncertain whether this will arrive.

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