Why is called YouTube, Netflix, BS. Streaming service?


Why is it called that?

The whole thing has nothing to do with streaming (= playback of a video file directly at the receiving), since the video is yes buffered. "simultaneous transmission and playback of video and audio data over a computer network" is not given, so it is not streaming.

Why is it called streaming?


Or is it meant that the video still loads while it is already playing?


Why call it toilet paper if you clean yourself and do not clean the toilet?

Everyday life is not always congruent with the formal definition.


Of course, the streaming (!), Because the video is still played during the transfer and does not have to be completely downloaded first and then only played!

"simultaneous transmission and playback of video and audio data over a computer network" is not given

Yes, of course!

Without a "buffer" it is also technically not at all (!), This is a necessity and, above all, makes sense because then there are still enough "buffer" for fluctuations in the transfer rate to continue the reintroduction