This is rather an unnecessary question, but I'm currently only seeing season 9 on netflix at naruto classic up to episode 8. On my mobile phone as well as on the pc. Does this season really have so few followers? Because google actually said something else about it. Or do I have to look elsewhere for the rest of the series?
Yes, the 9th season only has 8 episodes
Naruto Classic is completely entirely on Netflix (220 episodes). Everyone divides the squadrons differently, as there's no correct division. Naruto and Shippuden have a season with a total of 720 episodes.
Actually "Naruto" (Classic) is a season which consists of 220 episodes and "Naruto Shippūden" then the second season which consists of 500 episodes.
Outside of Japan, however, these are divided into further seasons. How many there are is therefore different. divides »Naruto« (Classic) into 5 seasons and divide it into 4 seasons.
So there's no season 9 here., and, however, divide it into 9 seasons.
At Amazon and Crunchyroll, season 9 has 12 episodes.
Netflix has 8 episodes.
Actually, Naruto has no seasons, Naruto Classic is season 1 (everyone is around 12 years old) and Naruto Shippuden is a season (around 3 years later, everyone is around 15-16 years old)