Stranger Things 008?


! SPOILER to Season 3!

Some may know the series. In the series is a girl who also has supernatural abilities (not elevenie, but the other) she is known as the "008". The people who looked at it, already know when I mean.

My question: I have finished watching the series and it only happened in two scenes or so. Nothing was said about her. But on YouTube you can find some scenes where you can see them. Can it be that Netflix hides some scenes? There are also ONLY 3 season and a 4 is not quite known. What do you all mean?


In my opinion, Kali (aka "Eight" / "08") was simply a bad plot from season 2. She has shockingly little screentime (at the very beginning of the season, then as a child in the memories of El's mother and in episode 7 ( ?), when El is on her way), leaving no trace as a character. Their existence raises an incredible number of questions and would provide more than enough stuff for a whole season, but that ignores the series skillfully. After this episode, she never appears again.

So no, Netflix did not hide any scenes, they just used the character badly. Maybe she will get another gig in Season 4, but I would not bet on that at first.


Many thanks.

Also think that she does not play such a big role. What was again in episode 7? When you said "When El is on the way again"

Sorry, I can't remember it that well right now.


This is the result after Eleven learns from her mother that there was another child (Kali) in the facility at the time and then visits that girl. Kali has drummed up a gait over the years to hijack the lab staff, and El joins these people for an episode, but ends up returning to our well-known protagonists.

The whole episode shows only this story about El and nothing about the rest of the story and has virtually no consequences for the plot, except that they kept El away from the center long enough not to solve the problem in half the time.