Grundig smart TV reacts very late, what to do?


I've had a Grundig Smart TV for a while but I'm not very happy with it. If I want to start an app such as Netflix, the TV reacts very very late and it loads everything extremely long, often the app just crashes and the TV's start menu then only opens. Does anyone know what that can be or what I can do about it?


Unfortunately the CPU's in the Smart TV are often very lame. I bought a Sony 2 years ago for 1,500 euro. The last scrap.

I then bought an HD Fire Stick from Amazon for 50 euro. He runs like a pig. Like a new PC against a 20 year old. And with that you can also watch super Netflix, Prime and everything else. I'm very satisfied

. I no longer need the Sony Android.


So that means I can't do anything about it on TV? So I would have to get a Fire Stick too?