How to watch Grundig TV Netflix?


So I have a Grundig TV and do not know how I should look there Netflix. I've already tried this trick: but it just does not work or when I first worked it has my TV then started an update. And beforehand yes I have a SmartTV on which also YT and something works what you can also use it with mobile phone


Would go to the smart function and then there download the App Netflix, except it is already there then only select.


Can't answer the question directly, but if you do not find a solution, I would simply fall back on a Fire TV stick from Amazon, is already from 15 or 20 euro needed and also not new expensive - so you get a reliable connection immediately Netflix.


If everything does not help, then try the Fire TV Stick from Amazon. We took over from my parents an old Philips Smart TV which has Youtube and on which you can also watch ARD Mediathek, but no Netflix. But that works great with the stick.