Drug shop in the clear web?


I have recently seen the Netflix series "How to Sell Drufs Online." Something happened that made me think for a while: there are countless pages of drugs, weapons, etc. In the Draknet Web: So I mean the following:

The web addresses of the Darknet sites are not necessarily http://www.Drogenshop.de but rather hjefivhowseihnf.onion so encrypted addresses. Would it be possible to build a normal website which has a normal address, which is still as secure for the owner as a page with an encrypted address?


Define "safe"

ALWAYS the national legal systems apply.


Shinyflakes had done that. Had a server in a country that does not work together with the German judiciary, etc. Allegedly, the clearwebseite should not even break his neck, but something else.


Well, I mean that the creator of the page is still relatively safe from the police, I mean a certain risk always exist but I mean if the owner of the site in the clear web could protect against the police


Only in the course of what the national legal systems allow.

A little hint:

Forbidden = forbidden

Allowed = allowed


That is not my question, of course, would be the prohibition, I just ask if it would be possible in principle, a illegal shop or similar. Open in the Clear web…


You can hear everything. But that was NOT your question.


But, my question was whether it is possible to open such a shop without the police 2 days later is in front of my door…


In the Clearweb you would see which web servers the page is on, and force the hosters to shut down if that's within their area of responsibility. Otherwise you could theoretically take the domain from the DNS servers. And put the page on a filter.

It could also be safe, if the operator operates from a country where it is not punishable, or if he accesses the server through the Tor network or something.


It depends on the national legal systems.

Another small tip: in Germany you have to drive right, in England, however, left.