Why is Netflix getting more and more expensive?


Netflix has raised prices again. With Premium even for a whole 2 euro. No idea whether the Swabian / curmudgeon is speaking out of me but I think that's really usury… Which is why I switched to the standard subscription.

But why are the prices getting higher and higher? Actually, there are now more users in Corona times than before, so what is all of this for? Just to earn more money than you already have? How high can they still drive that?


Amazon is still more expensive, and you can smoke max cathedrals or joyn in the pipe.


The euro has lost value and not only the subscription is more expensive… I recently bought something that cost 40 euro instead of 30 euro and everything in our supermarket has become about 20 cents more expensive.


A) Supply and demand

B) The purchased films and series may also have become more expensive

C) would you prefer advertising?


Netflix is just getting bigger and bigger and buying more and more films and series and for this Netflix also demands a higher contribution from us.

But I'm not really happy about it either.

But I don't think that Netflix will be any more expensive anytime soon.

That would be really anti-social


The demand determines the price.

And because the number of viewers skyrocketed during lockdown times, the prices were also allowed to rise.

Netflix will not be a "socio-culturally oriented, non-profit association".

Rather, it could be about maximum profit.


You said it.

If the price is paid by the audience, there's probably no competition that has cheaper and at the same time the same or better film offers.

You also pay for convenience or because you have got used to the provider.

There are probably many reasons…