Download and save Netflix videos?


I wanted to do a Youtube video where I cut scenes from a series together and put music on

Question 1: May I?

I've seen a lot of videos of this kind and they are allowed to do that, so I should be allowed to do it, right?

Question # 2: How can I save Netflix videos internally on my pc? As MP4 file.

(I have Netflix!)

I'm looking forward to answers!


"Question 1: May I do that?" - If you have the permission of the creators of whom you use excerpts, then yes.

"I have seen a lot of videos of this kind and they are allowed to do that, so I should be allowed to do it, right?" - 1. Just because there are many such videos does not mean that they are allowed to do so, and 2. Even if they are allowed, that does not mean you can do it.

"How can I save Netflix videos internally on my PC?" - Legal not at all.


Question 1: May I?


I've seen a lot of videos of this kind and they are allowed to do that, so I should be allowed to do it, right?

just because others do not mean that they are allowed! They are violating the law

Question # 2: How can I save Netflix videos internally on my pc? As MP4 file.

Not at all. You do not need it either, because you are not allowed to do it anyway


But for the private purpose it would be fine. Would it still like to know anyway thanks for the answer


You can do it for you alone at home, but of course you can't upload it anywhere or anything like that.
But then I would think it a waste of time, what do you want with a video that you are not allowed to show anyone?

But then there's still the "problem" that you can't download / download your series


Well it's a waste of time to lie in bed all the time and watch TV, I would just make it out of interest. Well, if I'm not allowed to download the series then that's the way it is, I have to find something else to keep me busy, thank you.


For you privately can do that.

There would have to record the scenes but rather more likely (desktop recorder,, because as a video file download to edit can't with Netflix.

Uploading and Sharing (YT or so) is publishing and no longer private. This requires the consent of the author, once from the video material and once from the music material.

Because others do it does not mean that it is allowed. Everybody makes illegal things somewhere. All a question of risk and consequences.

At e.g. YT the video may be deleted / disabled and nothing else. Unless one is (multiple) repeat offenders there it can go to account suspension. But these are YT measures and not yet those of a third party.