Similar Netflix series like Riverdale or The Society?


Similar Netflix series like Riverdale or The Society?


Dead girls do not lie


The Order


Sabrina belongs to the Riverdale universe


Serious question: what's so great about The Society?



I quit after 2-3 episodes (or so) because they all act like kids and not like young adults. Since most cars drive, they have to be at least 16.

It was very illogical, that almost the world breaks together (or a kidnapping takes place on another planet instead) and all but a few exceptions want to party. And the individual exceptions are then not taken seriously. WTF?
No one asks where the bus drivers are going, what happened on the trip, etc. Why does not anyone ask these or other basic questions and follow up the answers?
It's almost all about "who is allowed to live where and what to eat".

The half-hearted attempt to escape on foot is stopped at the first problem. Sure, it's bad that the girl died, but why does not anyone go back afterwards?

Most people pretend nothing happened. This hunt with pedestrian cars was then the end of the bearable for me.


Watch it and come to a new opinion.


That was not a convincing argument.