Corona virus transferable by post?


After ordering the witcher on netflix durhc the medallion on ebay, I was supposed to come from Slovenia, but now I came from china, I sealed the padded letter directly in a plastic bag and stored it in the basement. Today I heard that it is a droplet transmission and is only possible for humans and humans, right? Can I open the letter without worries?


Since articles from China are usually at least 2 weeks away and a virus needs a host, I do not assume that nCoV can be transmitted in 2019. BUT since we're all not sure how the virus is transmitted, I would advise against taking such an order considering the latest events. Simply for security. If the virus were introduced, not only the owner of the new device would become infected, but also the people around the person. For solidarity alone, I would personally wait to see what the scientists find out.


Reminds me of Fokushima. A nuclear power plant leaked in Japan and gas masks were sold out in Germany from now on.


The order already went out in december


Then it's rather unlikely.


So, let me tell you a few things:

Cells need a host to survive, viruses and bacteria too (microfungi rather not).
The virus is spread through the air because it is a LUNG DISEASE. So if you know the symptoms of a disease then it is actually clear where the pathogen is going, esseiden it is a non-infectious disease, but the name already says that it is a pathogen (CoronaVIRUS), then you shouldn't think so.
The disease is not that bad, the panic comes from the fact that it is not yet well known and spreads so quickly, but this is normal. It's like a normal flu wave, you can survive the corona virus without any problems if you just go to the doctor.


As long as you don't lick the stamp, everything should be fine🙈