Panasonic TV Netflix is not working?


My Panasonic TV TX-40FXX689 we have about a week, our Netflix is not. YouTube goes but if I go to Netflix now, the picture is just completely black and nothing happens. Could you maybe help me?


In the beginning, Netflix went


Netflix is in the cheap version only registered on 1 device (serial number of the device), probably just on your old device. This must first be de-registered and then the new registered. Or just contract update with I think so 3 euro a month more costs.


Log on in the Internet with username and password and look at the settings if there's something… On the TV itself, I think it is more difficult to find.


If you do not like how, then call the netflix hotline:-) or your cable operator if you have cable tv


Is there any message or is there really only a black screen? If possible, log out of Netflix, otherwise reinstall the app.

Has the TV been disconnected from the power for a while? If not, try it first.


The picture is just black and it was never excluded


What are you talking about. That's not true. With the cheap version one can only look with 1 nem device, thus not with a 2. Or 3. At the same time. It does not matter with which device and registered one does not have to be with devices also. That may be the case with Sky. But Netflix is much more flexible.