Mental state of excitement?


Yesterday at about 11 o'clock in the morning a feeling of deafness overcame me all over, my heart started to beat very fast and hard, I was shaking and so on. Then my mother called the ambulance and I was given a letter in the hospital where it said: "Mental state of excitement". Should that mean now that we have diagnosed a mental disorder or what? Wtf. I have no pre-existing conditions, allergies, do not take any medications and no stress. This just came over me as I watched Netflix quite normally.


First of all, it is probably a panic attack. This must first of all have no meaning, that means, you have a long time no mental illness. Anyone could get that under certain circumstances. If it repeats itself, an idea might be useful to a psychotherapist.


I would like to go to the police after school and do not know how it gets over.


Had something very similar, also deafness and pain in the chest area and blatant rapid heartbeat panic. Then directly hospital, have examined, heart etc everything ok, no infarction or so, tachycardia was just because of panic and the real cause was after MRI examination that I had no MS (that was suspected) but a narrowing of nerve cords on the spine so that something can happen in unfavorable movements. Not threatening but can just happen.