Can I buy a netflix voucher worth 20 euro when I'm 17?


Can I buy a netflix voucher worth 20 euro when I'm 17?




Since you have limited legal capacity at 17, you are allowed to do so.


I already did that when I was 15 … Why shouldn't you be allowed to do that?



First of all, as a minor, you can buy anything. The seller may have A problem, since the (purchase) contracts with limited legal capacity are pending ineffective until the parents agree.

However, there's the so-called pocket money paragraph:

A contract concluded by the minor without the consent of the legal representative is deemed to be effective from the start if the minor performs the contractual performance using means that have been provided to him for this purpose or at his free disposal by the representative or with the consent of a third party,

If you buy a credit card from your pocket money and then use this credit card to perform services, the contract is effective from the start.