Unsporting, anxious and dissatisfied tips?


I would like to say in advance that I'm serious, and you can save yourself stupid comments. First of all, thank you for the help, I like to read everything. So this year I finished my A-levels and worked for three months. The rest of the time I was at home, waiting until February for my studies to start.

My problem is that I have become unsportsmanlike and can no longer see any motivation.
I'm at home for days or, to be more precise, weeks when I go out by car to go shopping, but nothing more.
Because of the current situation, I'm at home in my room most of the time, gambling or watching Netflix until late at night. Then get up late again and that repeats itself over and over again.

Mentally I'm not doing well, what I noticed today when walking for a walk (was an exception otherwise I don't go out with the dog in the evening that someone else actually does) I was downright scared. I only feel comfortable at home on my couch, doing nothing and consuming multimedia.

Before the whole of the Corona pandemic, I went to the gym several times, in bars with friends, etc. Which somehow changed suddenly this year. I want to get out of this gray way of life but don't know how I have often toyed with the idea of going to a physiologist but never made the decision. Feeling down physically and mentally.

If someone would like to help me, thank you in advance ✌🏽


Even if you are not athletic you can go for a walk outside. The dogs are happy about it.

look for new jobs that challenge you. Think about whether you are happy with your life or want to change something.

take two for yourself and get something positive out of it


Yeah, you're going through something the whole world is going through right now. You are welcome to try to get an appointment with the psychologist, but since many people have already had this idea, you will wait for an appointment for months, if at all. Even the clinics are completely overloaded.

The best thing is to try to be more active yourself. You don't need a gym to do sports or bars to meet friends. Everything works without it. There are also quite a few things you can do at home. Reading, drawing, cooking, baking etc.

But you have to take the first step yourself.