Blood pressure low why?


Why is my blood pressure always so low at night? I'm worried that I'll just pass out over time… Sure, at night I lie in bed and watch Netflix or YouTube but during the day I work regularly and am on the move… But that it is always so low… I'm 24 male, 1.70 Tall and weigh 65 kilos. Can someone tell me if the values are bad? And what can I do about it?

Blood pressure low why

Low blood pressure is partly hereditary. But it can also be caused by environmental influences, illnesses or medication as well as certain postures or (rapid) changes in position.


Wow, I can copy texts from Google too… But thanks anyway.


This can be due to medication or hereditary factors, but it can also be triggered by illnesses. Although I have to be honest that the values are actually relatively okay. I also think it's crazy that you measure your blood pressure when you are 24, isn't that something to start doing that very early? In general, it is better to have blood pressure that is too low instead of too high, as long as it does not restrict you, everything is good and you can quickly get into something like that.


As you said, you are a lot calmer in the evening than during the day. The body recovers and your pulse and breathing become calmer.

I can also reassure you, low blood pressure is better than high. You will have fewer problems with your veins as you get older.

As long as you don't get dizzy, don't worry. Even if you feel dizzy once and your blood pressure is not too deeply below the norm, that's not a problem.

Measure your blood pressure over a long period of time and write it down precisely. That also means the time.

When you measure your blood pressure, sit down and do nothing for 5 minutes. Then you put this on and start measuring. You shouldn't move or speak during this time. Maybe your blood pressure will drop a little during the day.

By the way, if you exercise regularly, it can also lower your blood pressure.


I have these values during the day, for a lifetime.


A blood pressure of around 110/70 is considered low blood pressure; but is normal in slim people. Therefore it is normal for your weight of 65 kg.


* in men