Film title Thriller / horror film wanted?

- in Movies

A few years ago I saw a movie (maybe on Netflix?) That really fascinated me, but I don't remember the title.

It's about 4 (or 5?) Friends who go on a hike through an uninhabited highland together. One of them had an accident (leg or foot fracture). You decide to leave the casualty behind and take a shortcut through (impassable) forest terrain to get help as quickly as possible.

They spend the first night in a hut found by chance and experience paranormal / psychotic experiences, each of which has to do with their personal past.

Does anyone know which movie this is?


That sounds like it to me

"The Ritual"

Is a Netflix movie


That's it!


I still remembered the title roughly. However, I had "The Rite - Das Ritual" in mind as the title. But that wasn't it…


Haha, it's been quite a while since I saw it, but it looked familiar to me and I have a very, very good film memory.

Glad I could help: ))