How can I become a soldier in the Malaysian Armed Forces?

- in Movies

I watched a movie called "PASKAL" in Netflix and found it really great.

PASKAL is an elite unit of the Malaysian Armed Forces. How can I become a soldier there?


You already know that you need a Malaysian passport. Besides, I do not think that you education peace joy pancake is light.


Probably not, apart from all the hurdles like the Malay Pass and language learning, no special unit in the world will accept you because you saw a movie about it on Netflix and thought it was cool.


To enter a foreign army and special unit is impossible.

As a mercenary it is feasible in some armies. For example, the French Foreign Legion. But doing service in a special troop is extremely difficult. That you have to master the language is still your smallest problem. You have to be fit and of good health. 40 to 50 KM day march with luggage, climbing, swimming and diving, heat, cold, knowledge, and much more. Even those who enter, of which only a fraction of the education.

Since the training at our Bundeswehr is a breeze.

Something you should only envisage, if you do not have much to lose.


> Training at our Bundeswehr is a breeze <

You felt which training at the BW as a breeze?


There used to be a basic education. Did this change? Today everyone is allowed to go. And those who could do it who would do well, they will not go.


In which part of the force did you complete your GA?

It is still not everyone, nothing has changed. The Bundeswehr is still in the same line as it is still needed, skilled workers are needed, and staffing needs are covered in the broad masses.

In addition, many applicants only invite a small portion to the tests and so on.


Just in the army, at the bottom. First I wanted to go because I did not find a job. Was also a Hämpfling. There was already a remark. When the time was up and I had ne apprenticeship in view, I was away when it went.


The GA fulfills its purpose, the teaching of the basic knowledge, followed by the specific training for the respective use. She then goes to the definition.

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