Recommendations: Time travel / superhero series / films on Netflix?

- in Movies

Hey I'm looking for good time travel and / or superhero series and / or films (real film) on Netflix. At Marvel and DC I have almost everything, I'm watching or I want to watch. Maximum FSK 12, please without creepy aliens who want to conquer the earth or similar (peaceful aliens from e.g. Star Wars or Star Trek ok). Nothing generally in the horror genre. Only what can be viewed without a VPN, i.e. Not e.g. Legends of Tomorrow.

Hope you have a few recommendations.


Stranger things

Umbrella academy

I'm not okay with this


Back to the future 2 + 3.

Unfortunately there's no 1st.


Stranger Things: is with aliens

Umbrella Academy / I'm not okay with this: is this superhero / time travel at all?

Supergirl: I'm watching.


I've watched at least 100 times. He's that good. And I wasn't even in the world when the third one came out. I have all of them on my hard drive.


Umbrella academy: yes superheroes

I'm not okay with this: superpowers

Stranger things: yes aliens but not creepy?


Someone has already recommended Stranger Things to me and roughly said what it is about. Is not for me

But I'll look at the others.


All right


How about 'Iron Fist'?


Actually Doctor Who but there's no longer.


Already started. Mega Geil so far, only I always avoid the next episode because most people find the first season bad.


But I also start. Season 2 is just difficult to get online right now. Under 40 euro.


Everything has actually been called (Supergirl, Arrow, Black Lightning, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Punisher, Jessica Jones, Defenders, Lucifer, Doom Patrol, Titans, Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, …) so ask me what do you think about anime?

Probably the greatest superhero anime is My Hero Academia!

As a time travel AND superhero anime I would definitely recommend Charlotte, but Netflix has not had this in the program for a few weeks…

Hm maybe Noragami, that's more or less with gods. Or Hunter x Hunter, which is a mixture of My Hero Academia and Naruto.

Hope you are open to new things, because I would actually recommend My Hero Academia to you, even if you are not an anime friend, try this anime, it is guaranteed something for you!


I'm not that good at anime. Just want to watch Pokemon & Digimon. Potentially sword art online. And not everything you have up there (in Germany) is on Netflix.


As I said, I recommend it to you, because it fits the description above better than Pokémon or Sword Art Online, you should just be open to new things.

And yes Lucifer, Doom Patrol and Batwoman are on Amazon Prime, but you have Lucifer anyway before, at least I've read, which is why I thought I could also list the other Amazon stuff.


But yes I have Amazon too.


Yes you see, then nothing stands in the way.


But I can't always look. Always look at someone else's cell phone.