Sick - how to bridge the night?

- in Movies


I've been extremely sick since Monday. I've been to the doctor and have a viral infection: earache, sore throat, backache. I slept all day yesterday and today and lay awake for about 4 hours at night. What could I do to avoid getting nervous? When I lie in silence, I get super nervous. Do you know very funny films on Netflix? Or what do you do when you just can't fall asleep?


Make yourself a warm tea, any one that relieves your symptoms. Relaxation tea is also enough. A small glass of wine can also calm you down if the wine is good for you with your illness.


Try to imagine something nice, e.g. B. The last vacation or whatever. You just have to really "climb into" the beautiful memory, that is, what you heard, felt, did… Of course you can also imagine something that you would like to do… For me it helps, maybe for you too…