How can you become an actor at nickelodeon or disney?

- in Movies

I'm a 13 year old girl and I dream of becoming an actress not playing plays but playing nickelodeon / Disney or even on Netflix in a series / film that is my biggest dream, but some claim that you have to go to a drama school for 1-3 years is that right? And do you really have to move to the usa and be fluent in English? So my English is already good but why do you have to be able to do it there are also a few German series / films on nickelodeon (e.g. House anubis or spotlight) or Disney I think. If so then I would be very grateful for an answer


German dubbed but produced in the USA (Disney and Nickelodeon)

You don't have to go to drama school in the USA, but it is like winning the lottery with a 6, the jackpot is very unlikely.

If you really want to gain a foothold in Germany as an actress, you will not have to get around and attend an acting school / courses


Yes, but international companies are the producers for the whole world. In the end, only the language is changed with synchronous speakers. So English is important!


First of all little miss, the theater stage was the beginning of all the big stars. I'm not talking about teenage mayflies, I'm talking about real sizes.

And even now a lot of actors still play in plays. Hugh Jackman is e.g. B. One of you.

You need a lot of practice, an even bigger amount of passion and a pinch of talent.


Really? Because in spotlight or Haus anubis they also speak original German and not English right? But thanks for the answer


Vll do you know youtuber hey moritz he also participated in the Spotlight series in nickelodeon, did he also play in plays and was in a drama school?


I do not know. But most Netflix series are international.


Unfortunately, I don't know him.

But as I said, this is usually the "training" to be an actor - by no means a guarantee of success and also no guarantee of an authentic actor.


Okay thank you very much helped me


If you would like to recommend to you if you are interested in the area of synchronization, have a look at some videos by Reiner Schöne. Maybe that motivates you and he speaks German. (Voice of Optimus Prime in Transformers - you probably know it)

If you want to move in the area of synchronization in English: James Earl Jones (voice of Mufasa and Darth Vader) or Peter Cullen (also Optimus Prime in the original version).


How can you become a German dubbing voice in German series / films? Do you happen to know that and thank you very much for giving me all these tips and motivation


Basically, that's how it works. Films and series search for suitable actors for every role before casting. In order to be included in such castings, you are mediated by agencies. To be included in the file in a good agency you need good references e.g. From a renowned drama school. But that alone is not a must. There are agencies that take people by other criteria. Very banal but above all by looking. There are castings that are carried out by video submissions. Do you know stranger things For example, the casting was preceded by submissions from the children. Then they were invited and were able to secure their role in another casting. That means: Acting school and universities of acting are not a must, but no film will take you just because you absolutely want to be an actor. Like you, hundreds and thousands more try it. You can of course try to gain a foothold in German series. But that is particularly difficult and in this country it requires training in an acting school or a university such as Ludwigsburg to be successful. Before that, just apply to castings, try to start there and start small. "Tatort" often looks for children who have no experience themselves and gives them the chance to start. Then you can apply with experience of these films and series. But to be successful in the big cinema is very, very unlikely. But not impossible. Most of them started with the theater. Or were just lucky and were just discovered by agencies.


Gladly 😁

Your voice image must match the character. If you e.g. To speak a powerful and strong character, you need a strong and authoritarian voice (both in sound, as well as in speed and pronunciation)

You may have noticed it in films, sometimes you only recognize the villain by his voice. He triggers in the viewer based on his voice: Aha that's the bad guy! And so it is with synchronization, you have to put the character "life" into it.

In any case, you first have to learn to train your voice (there's a lot on YouTube) and to master it. An acting school is your contact point here too 😁