We have the Netflix family subscription and share it. There are 4 accounts for each family. How many devices can stream series or movies on the same account at the same time?
4 I think so
So each 4 x 4? Or do you mean that if you have the family subscription, can create 4 accounts?
If you mean now with account the respective profiles, then always one per profile.
No, one per account.
Yes sorry, so have a family account and there are 4 profiles. I could also look at Profile X on my iPad, while my Burder also looked at Profile X on the TV app. That's why I wonder how many each per profile can look now?
No, since you are 4, one device per account. So a total of 4 devices
Only 4 people can watch at the same time, the 5th gets an error message.
Mh funny, because with me it's just tried it. Our family has Profile A and I can watch TV while my brother can also watch Profile A on the iPad, at the same time.
Read again what I wrote.