What is this bug and how can I fix it?

- in Movies

I have a strange mistake.

When I look at movies on the PC on Netflix or Amazon Prime everything is fine but as soon as I look at any videos bsp. The trailer then it is so greyish or lighter.

I have to compare 6 pictures each 3 in light gray as the trailer are and 3 as they are in the movie.

I have the problem on youtube but not with every youtube video

I have no idea what that is and how can I get rid of that I need your help.

Fig. 1: .html

Picture 1 Comparison as it should be: .html

Fig. 2: .html

Fig. 2 Comparison: .html

Fig. 3: .html

Fig. 3 Comparison: .html


Could possibly be due to the browser. But that's exactly what I would not know right now


Ne tried all the browsers


Then I have no idea, sorry


Have you ever tried reinstall the graphics card driver as well

synonymous because Flash Player you can check your graphics card for a defect

with the program Furmark you have that problem synonymous with games or other

Programs or only in videos or for example if you want to watch a DVD


I have this only when videos in computer games when z.b a film scene comes, this happens sometimes


But if I had recorded something about fraps everything was fine with the video as soon as I rendered this, it was also so bright or greyish


Which graphics card do you use because then the error of your graphics card tries to delete the driver and then you take please the most recent from the manufacturer please not from the enclosed CD I could also imagine that your cable is defective or your monitor is a bit misaligned


How do you mean monitor adjusted? So with the graphics card driver does not work and generally take only from the original manufacturer I have amd readon (TM) R9 390th


Do you happen to use a TV as a monitor that like AMD cards sometimes not at least the slightly older I had a R9 380x in front of a R9 270x and again it came to picture errors with me had unfortunately only the change to Nvidia helped but I would definitely times that HDMI cable exchange and Possibly because pc times connect to another monitor each monitor has settings for color, contrast, Freesync, etc., as well as a menu button just go through the settings if irgentein special mode is on


I have a samsung monitor and a tv connected tv is connected with hdmi and monitor with an older plug just do not know what kind.


Does the error happen on both monitors? Even if you raussteck for TV my AMD cards liked that not at that time because I had mistakes that like times that picture for 10 seconds was gone which is nice when gambling.


So at the monitor settings it is not and the problem is synonymous on both screens I had schonmal monitor only with hdmi but there it was synonymous


Then, unfortunately, it sounds like a defect of the graphics card if you have an onboard graphics card use the ones in which you auszubliesen your auszuschliesen that it is not a virus or Windows error but unfortunately sounds that something is defective for a graphics card which I'm very surprised that it only in videos the case is


All right, well, I'll try another and thank you again for your help


Nothing to thank for this platform is there yet.