Looking for horror movie titles?

- in Movies

I've been thinking about the name of a horror movie I've watched for a few months now, as far as I know on Netflix.

the plot. Only knows some parts)

A couple and the man's best friend drive to a kind of "castle" and the girlfriend wanted to go somewhere nice. In any case, paranormal things have happened, like in every horror film. The things were divided into 4 levels… The girlfriend often wakes up at night and gets the things. There's usually a mirror (when they are asleep) and the three as they sleep, behind them covered chairs and a door next to the mirror. In the end, the friend Faith rushes out of the tower that was there. Previously, the best friend and the man found drawings around the tower.

is a bit confused but thanks everyone who can help me


Maybe you mean the forest


Yes thank you


With pleasure.