Why are most movies on Netflix not in 4K?

- in Movies

Spiderman Homecoming recently appeared on Netflix. Again a question of time until the license expires again.

But the movie is also available in 4k, but not on Netflix. Why are most movies (especially blockbuster) not in 4k although the 4k version on Blu ray already exists?


Which version do you have from netflix?


Because Netflix saves money on licensing. Is not different with Amazon Video. Most of our own productions are in 4K.


Did you adjust the playback in your profile accordingly?

Have you also completed a corresponding premium subscription?

A few info would not be bad to answer your question.

Writing answers based on guesswork is stupid.


I use the package for 15,99 euro where 4K and UltraHD is.

The reproduction is also set in my profile. All the Netflix original series is 4k. Only eg. The Marvel movies ned.


I do not watch the Mavelfilme. But if your favorite movies are not available, there are several reasons.

One can of course assume that the evil Netflixunternehmen does not offer the formats in UHD. But, in my view, it's much more obvious that there's another reason why the Marvel movies are not available in the best resolution currently available for streaming services.

Marvel is known to Disney and Disney opens end of this year its own streaming service. On which they provide all their formats.

So it stands to reason that they want to reserve the availability of the best resolution for their own streaming service, as customer loyalty, so to speak.

From an economic point of view, that makes perfect sense to me.


"the evil Netflix company" violently if you think so
I meant "for example the Marvel films". There are still so many other good movies that are NOT from Disney, which they are e.g. On Maxdome in 4K but ned on Netflix. Please come now with "yes then look at Maxdome". I will certainly not waste my pay for 2 different streaming providers a month. One is enough.
Finds just a pity that just the Netflix original series and movies in 4K but are not so good blockbusters. Why did I get a 4k uhd tv at all?


I do not say yes. But if the one film offers one provider in 4K and the other provider not, then I wonder what these are for rights holders of the films that make their formats so different on different platforms available.

If I were you, stinking on Marvel or Disney, that spending as much money as possible is more important than people seeing their movies.

But many right-holders do so. I have a format out there: Oh, I offer Season 1 or Movie 1 at the platform. Then the season is going well, then say the providers; Oh but season 2 or movie 2 but I offer flat B, because the numbers more.

Money money, money and the viewers mistigegal.