Do you have any recommendations for exciting (psycho) thrillers or horror films on Netflix?

- in Movies

I'm looking for:

exciting horror films
Psychological thriller or
Thriller with an exciting story, e.g. B. Something like "Double Jeopardy" or "Flightplan"


There are only children's films…


Hereditary, The Conjuring, Mama, Martyrs, 1408, Hostel 2, The Human Centipede (2009), I see I see, Ghostland, The Boy, Sinnister, The woman in black, The curse of the two sisters, Possession - The dark in you (2012), The House of Demons, know many more but I just remembered them, hope could help you.

Sorry just looked at Netflix… Unfortunately I don't know if there are any


The invisible guest & Shutter Island


Thank you. I think I saw it last year. Was pretty good as far as I can remember.