Netflix film / series idea?

- in Movies

I feel like watching cool Netflix films, but unfortunately I have no idea which one (s) to watch, I've been looking for a long time (without success).

Netflix film series idea

I would be very happy for some cool films / series, thank you ^^


-Shape of water watched yesterday and was really good. (Romance / Drama)

- Wolf of wall Street (comedy / classic)

- and proceeds and from the bad (horror)

- Dunkirk (war film)

-schindler's list (very sad one should have seen 1 time)

- Jumanji (horror / action)

-7 (seven) really exciting


Thank you, I'll see if I like one of them, thank you ^^


Black Mirror, The Big Bang Theory, what Serena30 said (at least the first 3, I don't know the others), House of Money (mandatory series, I think), Stranger Things, The IT Crowd, Breaking Bad


Yes, there are many other good films, but I have no idea what you like


And as a series, How I met your mother is actually a must as light entertainment, or Breaking Bad, if you are more into that


I can recommend Pretty Little Liars for one series. There are 7 seasons and it takes a moment to see it all.