Weekend vegan lived what do I do now?

- in Movies

Hal I have too much energy because I actually didn't eat any meat at the weekend (cf. Netflix film gamechangers), I don't feel like doing sports and I don't have any great muscles or resilient joints so I don't know where to put the energy. The fact that I don't feel like it is also because I have too much paperwork and when I do sports I think about it all the time. What am I supposed to do in this life, I'm getting depressed?


Get out into the fresh air. With the meeting it is a bit difficult at the moment. Try to move even if you don't feel like it. You can listen to music during this time. I doubt that you have a punching bag at home, but if you do, hit it. It always helps me.


Daughter: "Oh, mom, I just have no energy left to discuss with you why vegan nutrition is better!"

Mother: "No wonder you don't eat meat either."

You have so much energy because you haven't eaten meat? How did you measure this obscure connection?


See gamechangers (film on netflix)


Really now? You poor - I'm (almost) sorry!

Look at documentaries like

"Dominion" and / or
"Earthlings" - then the boredom will surely pass quickly!


It is certainly an advantage to eat little meat. But to say across the board that you have more energy because you don't eat meat is simply wrong. Meat gives energy, contains protein, which is important for muscle building, etc.

It's also not always possible to consume so much protein in a vegan way. There are more and more people who can't tolerate vegetables - raw food or legumes or cabbage vegetables.

It is not yet possible to say whether soy is the solution, because this diet is still too young.

A vegetarian diet is certainly healthy and good, but I think veganism is problematic.


Should I now clap for such an unfounded kokolores?


For the 10 o'clock sausage roll it's a little late… Maybe waiting for dinner?


Get on the elliptical machine.


Vegan extremism is kocolores.


Don't have my best


Lel I don't even know what a sausage roll looks like old Bavarian




"See gamechangers (film on netflix)"

See placebo effect. *

If you believe in something firmly enough, it can happen that you feel bad or better depending on your belief. Sometimes this can happen after a short time.