Can I buy or rent films from Netflix?

- in Movies

Can I buy / rent films from Netflix?
I want to watch a film that is unfortunately not available on Netflix or Prime. Could I just buy it on Netflix?
if yes does anyone know how to do that?


You can't buy or rent movies on Netflix.


You pay monthly on netflix

you can watch every film and series as long as you pay monthly

buying and keeping the film after the end of the subscription is not possible with netflix


No, you can't do that. You can watch the series / films there, but you can't buy or rent them.

However, you can download it and watch it offline as long as you have membership.


No, at Netflix you can only watch films / series as part of your subscription. At Amazon you can also borrow or buy.


Netflix doesn't sell films.

And since the film you are looking for is not in stock at Netflix anyway, the question is not necessary.

You could borrow from a video rental, e.g. At, if the film you are looking for is there.