Which Netflix series / movie could you suggest to me?

- in Movies

I've already seen / I love the series:

DAREDEVIL, The Punisher, The Defenders, Iron Fist, The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, House Of Money, Orange Is The New Black, Stranger Things, All Iron Man, All Thor, All Spiderman, Supergirl, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Dogs of Berlin, Avangers, The Martian, Deadpool, Black Mirrow Bandersnatch, Avatar Departure for Pandora, The Rain, Captain America, Terminator, All Die Slow.

Thanks for all the suggestions, and maybe there's something that you did not know yet.


The denver clan (Series), And movies:

So I'm quite a fan of horror movies. I do not know about you but here are some good ones from Netflix:

Still, Orphan the orphan, Clinical, Poltergeist, Emelie


Brooklyn 99 - a comedy series about policemen, there are 4 seasons on Netflix.
And you said you've seen all the Die Slow parts, one of the main characters is constantly making allusions to the film series.


Definitely Dark, Sense 8 and Spook in Hill House


Ok, I forgot to write spooky stuff in Hill House, but it was really good.


Yes, that was awesome, but Dark is also where addicted to it.

That's why I'm waiting eagerly for the second season.

Sense 8 is also awesome, but you need Gedten for Sense 8.

In the first episode man still thinks what is this, I understand nothing sch… Series but necessarily continue to watch latest from the 3rd episode is infected man and must continue ;-)


Ok, let's start with Sense 8.


As I said first episode, you will understand nothing and think what is that for a Sch. But just look at the next one uninhibited and you will be infected ^^


OK ^^


How is it going? Already infected or still lasts?


I think I did not answer you answered the question, right? XD


Ok i will do that next.


I think I'm starting now.


The series is really cool.


Ah, there are already the allusions…


I'm glad that my proposal arrived well.


That was really a really cool series now I'm unfortunately already through.


The synchro on the 5th season lasts forever.
If you do not find the voices of the original sound so terrible, you can watch the complete 5th season and the 6th would have to come out soon in the original sound.


Okay, but I do not know how I could watch the fifth season like this.

Which movie is that? Em EmberPaul
Movie or series? po poetlandon