Wanted a film, soldiers with false glasses think they are fighting monsters that are innocent?

- in Movies

In the film, soldiers wear glasses that make people look like monsters, but the soldiers don't know this and assume they are really fighting monsters and are supposed to clean up the city. When a soldier ran out of battery, he realized that there are no monsters they are fighting against, but that they are only slaughtering innocent people. The movie was on Netflix.


This is an episode from the series Black Mirror:

Men from Steel (Men against Fire) / Episode 5 / 2nd season


It is not a pair of glasses but an implant.

Series "Black Mirror" St. 3 - Ep. 5

Men against Fire


Only now see that you have already written an answer.

I hadn't checked again before submitting - thought at that time I would be alone in the question.


Thanks to both of you!


: D yes, you might think…