Help someone knows the title of this movie?

- in Movies

Some time ago I saw a movie on Netflix, the movie was relatively new, but it was shot in the style of the 80s. Was a horror movie or a horror comedy. What I still know about the movie is the adolescent wanted to go to a concert on Halloween, but somehow stay in such a small town. There are several (ghosts, demons? Hellscenes in any case) which can practically see through the many pumpkins, these must be destroyed. Well, I do not know any more but I can't find it, neither on a list where (actually ALL) movies that were ever listed on Netflix are still sunn where! Please help me I'm desperate that leaves me no peace!


My tip: Satanic


Thanks, your answer was not the right movie, but you're the only one who wrote something productive.

Wanted movie? 1? 1? di dizzymicrowave
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