Will Daredevil be in the MCU films?

- in Movies

The whole Marvel series from Netflix (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc) all play in the MCU, but I think, in contrast to WandaVision, you can see it as a separate universe because Daredevil and so on were not mentioned in the films with a sentence and in the series As far as I know, no other hero was directly mentioned by name. Do you think that these series will play an even more important role in the MCU, e.g. Defenders and Avengers Crossover, or will it just remain series within the MCU that have no relation to the films and other series?


The rumor mill is simmering tremendously (there's talk of an appearance in Spiderman 3), but nothing specifically has been announced or leaked.

What I could imagine would be an appearance in She-Hulk, since the title character is a lawyer like Matt Murdock. It will also be a series, but the new series will be more closely integrated into the films.


But do you think Daredevil and such still appear in the movies? Because you definitely know that the series are playing in the MCU, so it would actually be wise to include these series as well. I think it's a little universe of its own, even if it takes place within the MCU.


I think some of the characters could be introduced into the films, but we'll see that for the next few years. You have to keep in mind that there are already a lot of characters in the MCU and the more characters you introduce into the films, the more complicated things get. How and where can they best be introduced? How do you explain that character X is not in movie Y? In addition, Marvel already has big plans with other new film characters such as the Fantastic Four or the X-Men / Mutants. It could be that the characters in the series lose out. As I said, you can only wait and be surprised.


No he won't come (first) don't always believe everything others say.

First of all, Daredevil lives in Hell's kitchen and if daredevil would come then probably everyone else would come too (defenders) and I don't think so

I know you read or see it often on the FAKE Spiderman 3 picture but as I said FAKE.

And the series don't play in the MCU where Captain America and so on also play


I haven't read that anywhere but just thought about it and yet they play in the MCU.

Marvel's Jessica Jones, also known as Jessica Jones, is an American television series based on the Marvel character of the same name. She plays in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)


You have no idea

