F + or true love?


I met a boy two weeks ago and met him twice so far.

At the second meeting, he kissed me goodbye and since then I have a slight tingling sensation in my stomach, which I'm basically pleased, but since then I have come to brooding.

For me personally, it's meaningful to kiss somebody, spend time with somebody, even write to somebody on my own, but nowadays, all of this has become so terribly easy that I feel like there's nothing for most people means more.

I wonder why we live in a generation where you have to ask yourself if the other person's intention is serious or serious? Why did "friendship +" become more popular than a sincere relationship in which one loves the other? Why is "Netflix & Chill" worth more than a walk on the lake?

This attitude of most young people of this age (and I say that at age 18) scares me off and takes away my confidence.

What do you think?

Thanks for coming answers or your opinions on this topic.


Every kiss has a meaning. But it may be that he does not have the meaning that you like.

This has nothing to do with the current generation. Pure sexual desire without romantic feelings has always existed and will always exist.

You are also too cramped.

A kiss is a kiss. No more and no less. If you really love to throw in the room now, you will be wrong with EVERY man, simply because something is impossible.


But my point is you should not throw all the men in a pot


Yes, in that point. And I throw all women to it. 2 dates, a kiss and LOVE? Who believes that, has no idea what love is. Nobody can love it.


You're right.


I agree and unfortunately you are right: you have to ask yourself what it means and how serious the other is.
Do not give in too soon and do a lot together to see if both develop feelings. Before you allow intimacies, you should talk to him about his intentions and feelings.
Friendship Plus has become so popular because it seems so straightforward and superficial and avoids responsibility. Unfortunately that seems to hit the zeitgeist.
But just because there's a lot of talk about it does not mean there are really that many. The majority still longs for love, love, security and trust.
Advice: Never get involved on F +. Get to know any partners well and for a long enough time and clarify beforehand, "the name of the game", ie the feelings and intentions.


Ok thank you so I was never in love


And there's your mistake in thinking!

You believe love and love are the same. But they are not.


Do you mean that infatuation refers to an individual and love in general to two or more?


I think that there are two different, if similar, feelings. Love is the absolute increase of being in love.


Ah, well, I would never have thought…