Is the world spinning on the wheel?


I'm 15 years old and I don't understand the world anymore. Everyone is just talking about Netflix and listening to rap. I have no Netflix and I hardly hear any rap. I often wonder what is so great about the new lifestyle of the youth I'm interested in birds and airplanes. Don't laugh now! And don't think I'm the total nerd, I don't feel like old-fashioned or otherwise, but I can't understand 80% of my peers


That's okay. Everyone has different interests and if you're not into rap or Netflix, go bird watching.


Be thankful for your individuality and receive it, even if that seems difficult at the moment.


Everyone lives according to their principles: for some, the digital world may be more important, for others it is balanced and for another, like you, nature is home


I think Netflix is a great thing because it is practically like watching TV, only that you have the freedom to choose what you want to watch.
Rap, especially German rap, is not my cup of tea either, I don't like it that way. I also do not understand many young people because I'm very romantic (I'm 17) otherwise I think that everyone should live their life as they want.


It's a good thing that you stand out from the crowd. Everyone in the world is different. Everyone is special in their own way. You don't have to adapt to what others like. If this is not yours, then it is your special style, your own kind that makes you confusable. There's nothing worse than people who do not have their own opinions or opinions. Keep that up and don't let it stop you. Whoever tries that is not really a friend.