Does Christianity Believe in Demons?


I've seen that on a Netflix series sad enough. Of course it's also a fantasy world in the series, because I've never heard of it as a Christian.


Demons or Satan actually play a role in the Bible. May I ask what the film is called?


This is not a film but a series it is an anime called Blue Exochrist because it is an anime I do not know if you like it.Btw meant that with Satan


According to the Bible, Jesus repeatedly cast out demons. The Pope still believes in it and officially approves of exorcisms. Reformed people are much less superstitious. But of course there's a very wide range of what is believed. Many who call themselves Christians don't even believe in a personal God.


The Bible has coined the term "demon" as something that resides in us and is driven out by Jesus, however the original Greek texts indicate that it is not demons but "impure spirits" that are driven out.

There are numerous passages in the Bible that describe this doing of the Impure Spirits simply because people felt remote controlled or were unable to control their own body or soul. (You could also call it obsession) Examples would be: (Luke 11) people who suddenly lack the ability to speak, (Matthew 17) people who sleepwalk, (Mark 5) people who talk confused.

The fact that many can see and explain this from today's perspective from the medical point of view should not be neglected, because, for example, an epileptic seizure can also impair a person's ability to keep control over his body, if only for a short time Time. Sleep walking can also be determined medically, but it was more general then than it is today. We would no longer believe today that someone is possessed by an "impure spirit", but that he needs medical help.

At that time, the people suffering from these "demons" were healed by Jesus, the man was brought back to being human, so that Jesus not only held a position of power, it was also clear at the time that there would hardly be anything The fact that God's son or God himself can't banish that has strengthened trust in him and thus also in God.


In ancient times, many illnesses and mental disorders could not be explained better than with demons and ghosts. Eg

"Teacher, I brought my son to you who has a dumb mind; and wherever he takes him, he pulls him to the ground and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid."

For the father (and all bystanders and the author) this was a "silent spirit". Today we see the symptoms of epilepsy, and it is not caused by a ghost or demon.

Nevertheless, there are still Christians who care more about what is there, they still believe in the existence of spirits and demons.


As a Christian you get your information and entertainment from the Word of God, the Bible. There you are spared nonsense.

"Be careful that nobody deprives you of philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of the people, according to the principles of the world and not according to Christ."

Colossians 2: 8 SCH2000

"And the world passes and its lust; but whoever does the will of God remains forever."

1 John 2:17 SCH2000