Do you like the Netflix series The Order?


I started the series "The Order" on Netflix last year and also watched the 1 season and now also the 2 that has been online since yesterday! And I googled and there weren't so many good reviews about the series on the internet. I was able to do it somehow. Something bothered me too! The story is very interesting and very exciting now that the second season is out, which I have already watched, I have the feeling that the series has increased a lot and has become very good!

What do you think of the series? Do you think it will continue or be discontinued?


Only know Order 66 from StarWars


I saw the first season last year but not the second. But I still want to watch the season best during the summer vacation. I actually thought the series was okay. I have definitely seen better series, but the series is also quite exciting.


Too the second one is better I think please write me how you find the 2 when you looked at them!